"If there's music inside of you, you've got to let it out." (From my song, Music Inside of Me)

Hi! I'm Trudy Rushin, and this is my blog, created in June 2009. I am a singer-songwriter-composer who plays guitar. Born and bred in Cape Town, South Africa, I blog about whatever captures my imagination or moves me. Sometimes I even come up with what I like to call 'the Rushin Solution'. Enjoy my random rantings. Comment, if you like,
or find me on Facebook: Trudy Rushin, Singer-Songwriter.

I also do gigs - solo, duo or trio - so if you're looking for vocal-guitar jazz music to add a sprinkle of magic to your event, send me an e-mail to guitartrudy@gmail.com.

To listen to me singing one or two of my original songs, type my name on www.soundcloud.com or www.youtube.com

Wednesday, 6 February 2019

New Moon in Aquarius

Two days ago, we had the New Moon in Aquarius. I can't tell you what it means, other than that the best time to start a new project is between New Moon and Full Moon.

Once again, I've set my alarm, with the aim of finishing this post in thirty minutes. Let's see. I struggle with brevity.

I'm fascinated by the energy of 2019, so far. At the beginning of 2018, I embarked on a healthier-lifestyle journey, starting with changing my eating habits and trying to exercise (dance) more often. In the process, I lost 12,9kg, regained some of it, and ended the year with a net loss of 10kg. No matter how hard I am on myself about the weight I regained, it doesn't change the fact that I now eat differently, I shop differently, and I have a different awareness about the link between what I eat and how I feel - 'bad' carbs make me depressed, unmotivated and sluggish, whereas foods like protein, fruit and veg lift my energy, make me feel happier and more positive about everything. I've learnt to enjoy salad with at least two of my meals every day, and to avoid junk food. I've also learnt that those very people who make fun of you for making healthier choices are sometimes the ones who, once they've seen the positive result in you, go on to emulate you.

Bottom line, though - I do what makes me happy, I ignore the teasing and cynicism, and I live my truth. 

But the 2019 energy is even more exciting - I feel fearless, ready and not prepared to make excuses anymore. I love it! It affects every area of my life, and I'm learning to discern very quickly which factors cause blockages that prevent me from forging ahead. Identifying them is one step, and then doing something about it is another.

Last year, the book that influenced me a lot (am reading it for the third time now) was The Artist's Way (Julia Cameron) and this year it's The Secret (Rhonda Byrne). I listen to the audio book (online) and I'm allowing it to soak in, marinate and flavour my life. Some of the lessons I've taken to heart are:
1. The most important part of the Law of Attraction is the last 6 letters of ''attraction'': ACTION.
One of the contributors says: ''Act in spite of fear. Act in spite of doubt. Act in spite of worry.'' (Man, did I need those words!!!)
2. Trust what you're attracted to.
3. Reject rejection.

There are many more, but I'm serious about this being a 30-minute blog post.

So here I am, feeling ready. Here I am, feeling fearless. Here I am, tired of making excuses that even I don't buy anymore. And here I am - finally at that point where living my truth has become so much more tangible. And natural and inevitable.

On Sat 2 Feb, I started teaching a beginner guitar class for women. I have six women in this class, and there's been interest from a few others, which might mean I'll start a second class in a month or two's time. I fully believe that, if I were to advertise more widely, I could get a lot more interest. All I know is - I LOVE teaching people to play the guitar, I LOVE making a difference in women's lives, and I LOVE having this new energy to finally add more music to my life.

(You hear that Universe? MORE MUSIC!..... Thank you!)

My new energy sees me tackling old neglected things at home and in no time at all, sorting them out. WHO IS THIS WOMAN? AND WHERE'S SHE BEEN ALL MY LIFE?

What's brought it on? I don't know. Maybe it's a maturity thing. Maybe it's an age thing. Maybe external factors have also nudged me to this point.

Whatever it is, I have no doubt that everything I'll be doing in 2019 is leading to something spectacular in 2020. I suppose you could call it my 2020 vision. (eye roll)

32 minutes!! :-)

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