There's something about this time of year, starting from September, that makes me feel that absolutely anything is possible! On Saturday I had my hair cut (a sure sign that a woman is welcoming change into her life) AND blow-dried (really not my thang!), which felt like some kind of new beginning. (The picture above was taken on Saturday night, at my gig at Food Lover's Market.)
It really was a 'new beginning' kind of weekend, because on Sunday night, Wayne and I played our first-ever gig at Baran's Theatre Restaurant, on Greenmarket Square, and it was so cool. We worked with a well-known electric bass player, Bernie Lawrence, and it gave our duo a whole new sound. I learnt many valuable lessons in the process. Yup! The acoustics are very flattering, so the sound was lovely! Four of our foreign students (I work at an English school) pitched up, and one of them, Jacob, from Angola, came up to sing a song with us. He has a great voice - so, so beautiful - deep, smoky, magical! I'd love to sing a duet with him, because our voices contrast so strongly.
And then it was Monday, and a whole new week. My children are back home and all's right with my world. My guitar lesson is tomorrow, and that's my mid-week highlight. Tonight I'll cram in all my homework that I should've been doing all week (heehee! Sorry, Wayne!) and take the journey a few steps further tomorrow.
Last week, in my lesson, I found the courage to play an instrumental piece I'd composed a few months ago, and it was well received. (phew!) It's interesting to me how many ultra-laid-back, subdued-seeming people I have in my close circle, being the chatterbox I am; when praise is forthcoming from one of them, firstly I have to be alert to the fact that it is indeed praise, and secondly I have to receive it and enjoy it. It's a breakthrough for me to have written such a piece, and I've decided to call it "Candlelight".
Some amazing gig offers have come my way, but no details on the blog until confirmed. I need to start marketing my next gig at Baran's, which will be on Sunday 15 November, at lunchtime, 12 - 3pm. Need to find a guitarist, because Wayne's got a regular Sunday lunch gig. Also need to start getting my act together for my concert on Sunday 6 December, which will be all original material.
Time to go. More when I have time.
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