The past 48 hours have been "interesting", to use an over-used word. On Friday night, I got into bed feeling very sick, with my throat burning. I had a feeling I might not be able to do my gig on Saturday night. Woke up on Saturday, in such pain, I couldn't even swallow. Felt like I had a golf ball stuck there! I contacted Wayne, and together we agreed on Plan B. I contacted the guest artist, told him I wouldn't be at the gig, and wished him well. I then e-mailed the invoice to the restaurant, explaining the change of plan.
They called me back to say they'd taken such a drop in business since the start of the World Cup, that they were putting the gig on hold till further notice, with immediate effect! Giving Wayne that news was not easy for me. He took it in his stride, and we agreed that he'd tell the other singer and I'd tell the guest artist.
I expect the gig to be back on track shortly, and I'm hoping there won't be too long a break. At the same time, I do believe that everything happens for a reason, and time will tell what the bigger picture here is. All I know is that, if this gig doesn't resume soon, I'm going to find another weekly one. I don't want to lose the momentum I've gained in the last 12 months. I have some creative win-win solutions I want to pitch to the owner.
Personally, the combination of weekly guitar lessons and weekly performances works for me. I like the flow of energy it brings to my week.
This was the first time in a year that I was too sick to do the gig. I've sung with a sore throat before, but I know when it's inadvisable to take the risk. 'Interesting' that it turned out the way it did.
Today I hung out with my daughter, until midday, when she was fetched by her dad. It's Father's Day, so they went out for lunch. My son was in the car when she was fetched, and we chatted a bit. It's been 5 months since our living arrangements changed, and I feel a powerful surge of love, tinged with deep sadness, whenever I see him. There are some things in life one just cannot see coming. I never lose hope, though. I look forward to the day he'll let me put my arms around him again. A mother's love transcends all.
Watched Brazil vs Ivory Coast soccer match, and couldn't believe my eyes when the game deteriorated into a fight! Anyway, Brazil won, 3-1, and all's well, I suppose.
Friday itself was a fun day. Took my daughter to work with me, and during my lunch time, we walked around the city, trying to spot the zebra statues we'd heard about on the news. Also checked out the fountain and the new trees on the Foreshore. I've attached some of the pics we took.
On Saturday evening, we rounded off the day by watching the movie, "Julie and Julia", which inspired me in many ways. Delightful!
And now to take my next round of meds, soak in a hot bath and have a good night's sleep.