Photo: Woke up this morning to rain and thunder. Wow! Happy New Year to you, too, Mother Nature! Went outside to take photos of my garden. This pot of Impatiens plants is turning into such a beautiful sight!
I have this belief that whatever you're doing at the stroke of midnight, when a new year starts, could have major significance for the year ahead. Which is why I'm SO glad I was singing and playing my guitar at a gig at midnight, at that magical moment when 2010 slipped into 2011.
What were you doing?
I did my second consecutive New Year's Eve gig at Myoga Restaurant, in the Vineyard Hotel in Newlands, one of Cape Town's southern suburbs. Last year I worked with Wayne and this year with Rudi Byrnes, as Wayne had already been hired. What a lovely gig! The staff once again treated us very considerately, and I just enjoy the way they go about whatever they do. On the two occasions I've worked there, I've felt like I was part of a well-run operation; there's an unpretentiousness that surprised me last year, since it is a very classy 5-star restaurant. Well done to Cecil Monk, the manager, for running a tight ship, and to everyone on the staff for coming across as genuinely friendly and happy to be doing what they do. One whole year later and Myoga has that same warm, welcoming atmosphere. 10 gold stars from me!
I've done gigs (including some recent ones!) where I've received no help at all from the staff. They'll stand and watch me carrying my speakers, my amp, etc. from my car to wherever I need to be, point out the trolley and the lift, but do nothing to assist. I suppose they take one look at my car and conclude that they probably won't get much of a tip from me. Not necessarily so! But how would they know? And then there was the embarrassing time that I genuinely had no money on me other than what I'd been paid for the gig, in big notes, and I had no change to tip the guy who had helped me. I apologised profusely and consoled myself that he probably got lots of money from tourists at the hotel on a regular basis anyway. (!)
I really enjoyed last night; even though it was a four-hour gig, the time just flew. I enjoyed playing my guitar for almost every item we did, both instrumental and vocal, and it seemed like we had quite appreciative listeners - although that's not always easy to ascertain in a restaurant setting. I thoroughly enjoyed singing, and could feel the ease of performing things we'd practised as a duo, as well as things I'd practised a lot on my own. I enjoyed playing the basslines of certain standards, as well as tackling tunes I'd never done at a gig before (e.g. "What are you doing new Year's Eve?" and "Aguarela Do Brasil"). Nice to feel myself moving forward with my craft, my passion.
We botched the countdown, and I felt terrible. Something went awry at the last minute, and when I looked at my phone, we were 8 seconds into the new year and the staff had started bursting streamers and popping champagne. So I did the next logical thing - I started singing Auld Lang Syne! (Memo to myself - the next time, get someone else to watch the clock from about 23h55, and ask them to signal me when the countdown is supposed to start!)
I was grateful that my friend had lent me his car, as mine was once again off the road. Also glad that my children were sorted out for the night, and that my mom was home and safe.
I have (as usual) so much on my mind! The start of a new year is like the MOTHER of all new beginnings, and I'm filled with ideas, plans and mental To Do lists. When I have some uninterrupted solo time, I'll write more. Lots of ideas around taking my music further.
But right now, it's back to Mom-mode. Promised my daughter we'd bake a chocolate cake. Yum!
very nice