Photograph by Clark Little, famous wave photographer.
Did a gig tonight with Alvin Dyers - 2 sets at Baran's Khurdish Restaurant; an end-of-year staff party for a well-known company. Really cool to work with Alvin; he's easy-going, very professional and plays up a storm! I played my guitar quite a bit tonight, which was good. Recently I've been deferring to Wayne at our duo gigs, and hardly playing. It felt right to be playing and singing - that's who I am. I need to play more at my gigs with Wayne. (Memo to myself,......)
Today was a public holiday, and I stayed home with my children. It was very hot, so I tackled the laundry, which took me practically all day. About a week ago, my washing machine broke, and the laundry piled up. My friend fixed it a few nights ago, so it's all systems go. I managed to fit in an hour's snooze before getting ready for my gig.
Really tired (it's 01:35!!!) - will blog some other time. Drove home composing a new song, with the theme "Midnight Finds Me" - magic, poetry in the lyrics and such a cool tune! That mood was shattered, however, when I got home and found 4 huge cockroaches which had crawled into my house from under the kitchen door! Ugh! Big, strapping dudes! Emptied about half a can of Doom on them, and there are now two corpses lying on the kitchen floor. One of the four was extremely agile, crawling up the wall and onto the ceiling. I watched in horror as it walked upside down along the ceiling. Do you understand why I can't sleep now?! And then there's that outstanding matter of the unknown whereabouts of the other two!
Time to say goodnight. Listening to the recording of my concert. Quite a few mistakes throughout the evening. My favourite song on the CD is "Music Inside of Me", which makes me SO glad I chose it as the title of the concert! Interesting listening to what worked and what didn't. All I know is, there's a lot of work ahead of me, in more ways than one! There's most definitely a whole lot of music inside of me.
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