This picture was taken a year ago, at our school's end-of-year braai for our students. Dec 2008, Sea Point. We had a lot of fun that day!
Today we closed for two weeks. Some language schools stay open over this period, but we don't. Had a bit of a party: teachers, client services staff, marketing, housekeeping, managers, tour company. Nice-ish. I find these kinds of gatherings fun to a certain extent, and then I just find watching people really interesting. Always interested in how people who generally work together (and are not friends, per se) behave when they're at a staff party. Boundaries are so different for different people.
I enjoy my job, but I'm so happy to be on a break. For many reasons! I'm looking forward to the change of pace over the next two weeks. It's actually not all going to be R&R, because I've got this long list of things I want to achieve or at least start. I need to unclutter my physical environment, so that I can better unclutter my life spiritually and emotionally.
Also want to sleep late, read, journal, work in the garden and - of course - play my guitar and work on my new song!
I feel like I'm on the brink of a whole new phase of my life, and I need to make some significant changes to my surroundings, to experience the changes I anticipate more completely. It really is a long story!
For the past two nights, I got to sleep at 03h00! It's 22h55 now; I'm going to soak in a bubblebath and ease my way gently through some Mind Power exercises.
Excited about tomorrow night's gig with Wayne at Food Lover's Market. We'll be there from 7 to 10pm, doing three sets of jazz, swing, blues and pop, as well as a good selection of original music. This will be our last night there for 2009. We gave the gig to another duo last week (John Russell and Abigail Petersen), because we each had other commitments. That was my first Saturday night away from there since 4 July!
But hey,...... my bath awaits!
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