Today I had my guitar lesson, and once again I felt both the discipline and the success of the process I'm going through. Wayne (Bosch) is an excellent teacher, and I'd recommend him highly to anyone wanting guitar lessons, especially if you're prepared to work hard. Today I also informed the admin staff there that I'm finishing lessons at the end of October. Sad, but unavoidable, considering I'm now unemployed.
I'm one of those people who, I'd imagine to the annoyance of others in my close circle, cherish every experience, because my view is that there's no guarantee it will go on for ever, which is how we tend to live our lives.
This came about when I started having to live away from my children, for a few days at a time, after my marriage ended 10 years ago. Every moment I got to spend with them was precious, and I learnt to live IN the moment and to experience things FULLY, intent on making happy memories, intent on living a life with as few regrets as possible.
My point? I have looked forward to and enjoyed every guitar lesson, and I've achieved most of my goals possible for this length of time. I fully believe that Wayne is destined for the international stage, and so I plunged myself into the process, consciously learning as much as I could, because at any time his journey could take him out of Cape Town, out of South Africa. What will I do after October? I'll figure it out. If I get a job in the city centre, I'll try to get my lesson slot back, but if not, I have lots of lessons I could go over and work on until I've mastered what I've learnt in the past two years. Improving at anything we do is not totally dependent on having a teacher all of the time - sometimes what's learnt in lessons takes a while to sink in, to become part of us, and I think the next part of my guitar journey is going to require discipline from me, as I set aside time every day to practise and continue to grow as a musician.
Four Wednesday lessons left. The only constant in life ...
Picture of Wayne and me at Food Lover's Market, taken on 22/05/10 by Bienvenue Mambote, who performed as our guest artist that night.