Unashamedly lazing in bed on another chilly, cloudy Saturday morning, this time listening to the mesmerising sounds of Djavan, my favourtie Brazilian singer. His song, Alibi, is so soulful, so intoxicating, it slips under my skin, slowly seeping into every cell of my body, inhabiting and overwhelming me in such a welcome way. A short song that I end up playing on repeat mode until my whole being is the song. The next one and the next one and the next one on the album..... they're all equally hypnotic. Such a personal thing, which music affects us, and how it affects us.
Consciously spending time exploring the labyrinth of ramifications of the news I received two days ago, a beautiful curve-ball sent my way. I've spent the past 7yrs doing Mind Power (John Kehoe's book)and the past 2yrs reading and internalising the book "The Art of Possibility" (by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander), and both of these have helped shape my attitudes and choices, forming the basis of the philosphy with which I journey through life. I can't but view this change as anything other than divine intervention. Once I'm able to be more public about it, I'll write more specifically, but for now I just want to say..... I'm ok. I've never felt better about who I am and what my capabilities are or the value I add to wherever I am. I wear my age as a badge of achievement, not for once seeing it as anything other than just another statistic about me, like my address or my ID number.
Change seems to be a theme in my life, right now, with the weekly gig I had for 14 months having come to an end last week. In my close family, there's a health matter causing concern and stress, and that alone makes one look at everything else and appreciate that there are many more things that come our way that we can work through than we might normally realise.
As someone who grew up in the apartheid era, where I wasn't allowed to vote in the country of my birth, until the age of 32, when we achieved democracy, CHOICE is one of the things I prize most highly, and I exercise it boldly, unapologetically, whenever and wherever I can, because I can. It's my choice to regard this period as a beautiful opportunity, a long-awaited parting of the clouds allowing the warm rays of the sun to beam down and fill me with energy, rejuvenating me.
I fully endorse the philosphy that the way we view or approach anything, the heading we assign to it, the category we slot it into, creates the framework for how we'll experience it.
It reminds me of an anecdote I read once, where children with developmental problems were at a sports event; the outcome of one of the matches was a draw, and just as this kid's mom was thinking how unfortunate it was that her child's team hadn't won, worrying that the result might sadden him, he ran over to her, with all the excitement of a champion, shouting, "We all won! We all won!"
If you know Djavan's music, you'd know how profound it is to be ending this post with the sounds of Faltando Um Pedaco swirling round my head!
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