I'll be gigging at the Food Lover's Market for at least the next two Saturdays, with all my MIND POWER focussed on the rest of August (and September, October, November and December) as well. This Saturday, 25 July, I'll be working with Wayne again, adding some new stuff that will force me out of my ohsocosy comfort zone and stretch me as a musician (isn't that the whole point?!). Quite a few of my friends will be there (Yay for Payday!!!), and I'm so excited about them hearing us. I'm fascinated by the different elements of ourselves that emerge when we allow them to. I absolutely love working with Wayne, because it's a fresh combination and because he's not only very talented but a really nice guy, a warm, generous-spirited musician, with a huge heart and a sense of professionalism way beyond his years.
The following Saturday, 1 August, I'll pair up with another guitarist, John Russell, whom I met and worked with last year. A completely different individual, quite young, very talented, also a music teacher. I'd love my friends and family to come and hear us, as well. I think one of the great seductions for performers, is that fluidity, that ever-changing, yielding space that allows you to be whoever you choose to be for that particular performance. I could never get enough of that.
So, before I start waxing lyrical about all the other aspects of live performance that lure me, let me remember that this started off as an information-sharing article/post, advertising my gigs!
This Saturday, 7 - 10pm, Wayne Bosch and I
Next Sat. (01/08), 7 - 10pm, John Russell and I
Upstairs at The Food Lover's Market, Claremont, Cape Town
Hey, I almost forgot!!! There's a brand new SATURDAY SPECIAL: 3-COURSE MEAL + A GLASS OF WINE, FOR ONLY R95. But that's not all..... NO COVER CHARGE FOR THE SUPERB LIVE JAZZ!!!!!!
Hi Trudy I would love to see a song of you on youtube sometime.
ReplyDeleteHi, Colin
ReplyDeleteI'm busy sorting out my copyrighting. Soon I'll be putting a song or 2 online for all to hear.
Keep well!