One of the peak days in my week, Wednesday, the day I have my guitar lesson. Today, carried on working on a song we started on last week, a faster-paced swing standard. I really like playing the bass lines of songs, especially because I'm a vocalist, and not many singers are playing guitar like I'm being taught to. It's also a complete rush for me to have stepped so far out of my comfort zone and to be playing more challenging things, so many years after picking up the instrument for the first time.
We also went through another playing technique which includes something percussive, and this fascinates me. It means that, once I can play these things properly, when I do have to accompany myself, my playing will be fuller and more interesting.
Just before I left, we wrote out the chart of a song that recently invaded my head and refused to leave, "Make You Feel My Love". I first heard it at the end of an episode of "Lipstick Jungle" and even though it was just a few bars, it captured me -as songs sometimes do - and haunted me. A few days later, I happened to watch the rerun of the episode, and when I heard the song, I wrote down the lyrics and worked out the chords. About two weeks ago, I realised I could look for it on YouTube. Found the version from Lipstick Jungle, sung by Adele, as well as a whole lot of other versions. But what a lovely surprise to discover that it was written by Bob Dylan! Big difference between the chords I worked out and the chart Wayne did for me!
A very sad situation in my life right now makes this song eerily powerful. How do you prove to your child that you love him? And why should it even be necessary?
I've experienced irony before, believe me, but nothing.... NOTHING as ironic as this.
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