Wayne Bosch playing his guitar, Dec 2009.
Vincent Nel and I, January 2010.
MJ singing at the Cathedral, April 2010.
I'm happy to announce that Wayne and I will be doing our duo gig at Food Lover's Market(FLM), in central Claremont, Cape Town, for the next two Saturdays, from 7 - 10pm. This Saturday, the 14th of August, we'll have MJ as our guest artist. This lovely young man sings and plays guitar, bringing a distinct folk-rock flavour to the evening. If you've never heard him, try to get to FLM this Saturday to experience his unique style and hopefully at least one of his original compositions. MJ has been our guest on a few occasions, and also appeared at the Haiti fundraiser at St George's Cathedral in April.
The following Saturday, the 21st, will see us featuring Vincent Nel as our guest artist. Vincent and I sang together in the band Deadline in the early 1990's. He sang as our guest at FLM in January and it's a pleasure to have him back again, crooning those beautiful songs in his repertoire.
At this stage, it seems as though the 21st of August could be our last night at Food Lover's Market. Our duo started there on the 4th of July 2009, when the owner decided to try live music on the quietest night of their week, to attract diners. The experiment was a resounding success. In the first few weeks of the gig, the turnout was sparse, and I take my hat off to him for hanging in there and believing that it would work out. At this stage, 14 months later, the place is packed every Saturday night. However, the restaurant is best loved for its delicious half-price sushi, a special currently being run from Mondays to Thursdays, which the owner wants to extend to the rest of the week. Needless to say, our kind of music wouldn't work on those nights.
The jury's not out, though, but right now we have the gig for two more weeks. What can I say? It's been an amazing stint, a period in which I've experienced a lot, learnt even more, and met some fascinating people.
When it's really over (the fat lady still has to sing!), I'll blog a retrospective.
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