Written Sun. 04 December 2011
When I think of all the beautiful things that have been happening in my life, I have to smile. I told my best friend, the other day, that it felt like the universe had us in the palms of its loving hands. I know it sounds corny, but when I think of all the challenges I’ve had to face, especially in the last 14 months, and I see the energy shifts that have occurred (some decidedly seismic!), I can only thank all the benevolent forces out there for bringing me to this point, this wonderful point that feels like the best kind of closure – the kind filled with new beginnings.
Things that had been blocking my energy, causing me tension for a long time, have resolved in surprising and interesting ways. I’ve been blessed with opportunities to heal and to move on, in a few parts of my life. Teaching at a college for the past five weeks has been a new beginning that came at exactly the right time. I’m sending all my prayers out into the universe for more opportunities at the college, a place where I rediscovered a part of myself (the me-in-front-of- a-class part) and met a bunch of fascinating people. The staff weren’t too bad either. J Haha – jokes aside, I have some really cool colleagues, and I hope I get to work with them again.
In two days’ time, I end my short contract, and enter the next phase-within-a-phase of my life, with more uncertainty than I’ve had for the past five weeks, but with a renewed faith in the power of personal energy, that mysterious force which, once ignited, has the potential to effect radical change. What boggles my mind is the sheer force I believe like-minded people can wield, to achieve just about anything.
I’m inspired by the slogan of this year’s 16 Days of Activism against Abuse of Women and Children: “Peace in the home before peace on earth”. It starts on a personal level and it can only grow from there.
I will go through the rest of my life seeking out people as passionate as I am about using our collective power to change the world, person by person, family by family, community by community, city by city, country by country.
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