Stats update:
Blog views: 410 (my daughter always says to me, when I'm checking the stats: "Remember, Mom, that includes every time YOU go onto your blog, as well." Ja-ja!
Facebook friends: 147.
I haven't blogged in a while. SO much has been happening, and life just continues to be a non-stop, fascinating, convoluted, exhilarating ride. I wake up every morning feeling a sense of wonder that I've been given another day, a whole new chance to go out there and make a difference, somehow. As the old Sunday School chorus goes, "... you in your small corner, and I in mine."
Interesting to hear how people perceive us, and how spot-on they can be. Today, some light-hearted banter at work/school about which room people on the staff would choose for a secret lovers' tryst. The consensus was that I'd choose the Learning Centre (library), because there were books there! Hahahahaha!
It's a good thing to keep your professional and private lives separate. A very good thing! Man, it's a good thing!
When I started the affirmation, "I'm living through radical, positive change", about two and a half years ago, I really had no idea life would deal me some of the cards it has. Right now, I'm going through something so radical, it has the potential to undermine and railroad everything I'm succeeding at. But, because I sincerely believe it will eventually have a strongly positive outcome, I've made a conscious choice to keep on keeping on, and not to lose sight of any of my goals.
Many years ago, I had a lovely landlord, old Mr Bloemetje (sic), who, when he heard that I was putting myself through university in the evenings, doing two courses a year, called me a "steady plodder". He was right. I can work my way towards something, bit by tiny bit. It works for me. On the 1st of January this year, I started an exercise regime, after about a decade of inactivity. Yesterday I felt so good, because I'd completed two months of it! On Saturday I went to buy myself some clothes, and discovered I'd dropped a clothing size! The scale doesn't look that different (lost 2kg in 2 months), but I feel so good! And to me that's more important than the numbers. (Of course, when the weight is down 5kg, you'll hear all about it!!). What works for me is not to compare myself with others, but to compare myself with myself; that way I can measure my progress over time. Hence my 2010 motto: Time is my best friend.
Listening to the recording of my last concert at Baran's. Another area where life has changed so radically for me. I'm consciously going about my music journey spreading myself across the different aspects of the industry: the marketing, planning, negotiating, etc. as well as the learning, composing, practising and performing. I'm 48, and music is my passion, but at some stage I'll probably take a backseat and work on developing younger performers. The more I learn now, the more I'll be able to teach them when that time comes. And actually, it's already started. I love bringing young artists onto programmes I work on, because I recognise the fire in their eyes, and I know a bit about what's in their hearts.
So, back to the recording. At first, I used to like the second half more, but now I prefer the first half. My two favourites on that CD are "My Favourite Time of Day" and "Write Another Ending". The first one is a bossanova, played to perfection by Wayne Bosch in his inimitable way. Singing to his accompaniment is indescribably satisfying. I don't need to play, I just need to sing, because his sound is so full and phenomenal. (When I raved to a friend after my first guitar lesson with Wayne, in 2008, he said, "Ah! I see you've encountered The Bosch Phenomenon!") Indeed.
The second one is a loose ballad, out of time for the verse, moving into a serious groove for the chorus. I like the way he interprets what I write and adds dimensions I could never have dreamt of.
In five days' time, I do my next dinner concert of originals at Baran's, once again with Wayne and Charles. At this stage, ticket sales are not going well, and I'm pulling out all the stops with additional marketing. Took posters around town again today, and placed ads in late-week newspaper gig guides. Need to do some radio stations tonight (on-line).
On Saturday my daughter and I went to Canal Walk (shopping centre), and had our photos taken at a booth. We opted for the charcoal finish for the picture of the two of us, and when we saw the finished product, we kept looking at in disbelief, saying, "Yor!" ...... "Yor!!!!"........"Yor!". She's a redhead with blue eyes and I'm a brunette with brown eyes, but in the charcoal drawing, the resemblance that everyone comments on is striking.
Imagine if everyone in South Africa (and the world!) saw everyone else in charcoal finish for one whole day. That would take care of a lot of the ridiculous divisions we imagine exist.
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