Listening to a CD I got as a gift today, from Diego in Brazil. The singer is Elis Regina, and the album's called Perolas. Her voice has to grow on me, but I like the songs. He also sent me one by a male vocalist, Toquinho, which is more 'easy listening', with quite a bit of guitar presence. He knows I'm an old soul, so he reads me well! I'm so lucky to be able to experience new music in this way! Thanks, Diego, and thanks, Althea, for carting it all the way in your luggage. Muito obrigada!
Then there's a CD I got a few weeks ago, from Julio in Sao Paulo. What makes that CD so, so special, is that it's Julio's own CD! It's called Urbano e Sentimental, and it's voice and guitar (my favourite), and it's really beautiful. The singer is Julio Barbosa and he's accompanied by guitarist Angelo Eduardo. All the tracks except one are their originals. Everytime I listen to it, I feel so proud that someone I know can sing and compose like that! Wow!!!
The strange thing is, I understand just a smattering of Portuguese, but there's something about the language, spoken, but especially sung, that just resonates with me! When I hear the students at school speaking it, I'm supposed to remind them to speak English, but I can't resist listening for a little while before I do. In the multi-cultural environment of an EFL (English as a Foreign Language) school, I get to hear lots of languages and dialects, but I have to confess it's the Angolans, Mozambicans and Brazilians whose words I hang onto. Can't explain the fascination. Maybe something genetic? One day I'll find out - it's a promise I've made to myself.
I must admit that my very favourite Brazilian singer is Djavan. When I play his CDs, I am transported. So imagine how strange it was for me when I played it to my significant other last year and he didn't like it! Haha! Different strokes.
New topic: just before I woke, this morning, I had a dream in which I was sitting on a bench with my friend, and a tall, thin man in blue overalls came over to talk to us briefly. He was handsome and pleasant, said what he needed to, then left. I was amazed, because it had been my dad as a young man! The only weird thing, besides the fact that he didn't know me, was that he had a huge, swollen neck, like when people have some medical condition that turns the neck balloon-like. Never take dreams literally, I've been told. No-one's neck is going to swell, and no-one's suddenly going to get younger. Haha! If only! The good thing was, he didn't seem unhappy about it!
If my dreams are supposed to be supplying me with answers, I'm trying to figure out what that one's question was!!!
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