Today I was surrounded by some kind of heightened awareness, I can't explain it, but it was like being tuned in to the universe at a different frequency to what I usually am. As the day progressed, different things happened that made the experience more and more intense. Twice today it rained. Earlier, it was while I was walking back from my guitar lesson, and I looked up at it, allowing the raindrops to fall into my eyes, like I've loved doing since I was a child. This evening it rained about an hour ago - I watched it falling on the plants, watched the glistening on the leaves after the rain had stopped, and marvelled at how often in my life, on significant calendar dates, it had rained.
After work today, I drove to my son's school and picked him up for our counselling session. I'm so glad we kept the appointment. The geographical equivalent would be clouds parting and sunshine beaming down. I am grateful for opportunities to engage in dialogue, to address difficult issues and to work towards a solution that ensures no-one loses dignity and everyone has a chance to talk and to listen. Preferably with an open mind and an open heart.
Today I am profoundly moved and humbled by people, their energy, and their potential to embrace change and consciously choose new beginnings.
For the past two nights, it's been me and my old friend, Insomnia. I know tonight I'm going to have a peaceful, dream-filled sleep. Oh, yes!
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